Angry Birds

Angry Birds

Sometime in the 80’s my father, Robert C. Winsett, was stricken by a strange flight of fancy and he did a series of very odd and often ill humored birds. These three are, of course, the original angry birds. My wife Lisa and I were living in Hawaii when he penned the...


This drawing was included in a series of 13 drawings in a collection titled “arcana A heterogeneous collection of enigmatic drawings by Robert Winsett for the discriminating collector of potpourri.” I’ve always liked this drawing of my dad’s a lot, partly because the...
Rex, The Master of Line and Whimsy

Rex, The Master of Line and Whimsy

My dad, Robert C. Winsett, died nearly 20 years ago, summer of 1998. He was an artist and I have just had all his art packed away. He was really prolific so I had a lot packed up high, down low, on shelves and on the floor, scattered here and there in the garage. A...