Color Therapy Tryptic

Color Therapy Tryptic

Another art therapy – color therapy – tryptic. I wonder when I will ever finish it … maybe never, it just doesn’t matter. Life keeps getting in the way … I dress in neutrals … denim, beige and black. I cannot wear it but gravitate to...
Mood Board

Mood Board

Use of the bulletin board for inspiration goes way back, doesn’t it?  Of course I’m a visual person and keep the images that touch me close.  Okay, I have Rembrant, O’Keefe, Cassatt, a Chinese Han dynasty flying horse, the Mona Lisa, several of my parent’s paintings...
Glass Horse

Glass Horse

Mom bought this hand-blown glass horse on one of her trips to Italy.  She kept it in a precious glass box in the living room (Cliff still keeps it there).  It’s a powerful reminder of her – of her love of travel and her love of art – and a reminder of my own deep love...
7 Steps to Abstract Expressionism

7 Steps to Abstract Expressionism

Mark Rothko’s 1958 formula for his artwork: 1.    A preoccupation with death, of ones’ own mortality … tragic art, romantic art, etc. 2.    Sensuality, our basis of being concrete about the world, a lustful relationship to things that exist 3.    Tension, either...
La Jolla Black’s Beach Round Rocks

La Jolla Black’s Beach Round Rocks

My husband Kip and I have enjoyed rock hunting and also collecting shells over the years.  We found these odd granite-like rocks at Black’s Beach in La Jolla in the 1970s.  Not sure if they are even found there anymore … have you seen these before?  They were...